Thursday, November 15, 2007

Friday, Nov. 16: Update on San Diego African Film Festival and Lessons from Afrikan World Masters

For info on Afrikan Mental Liberation Films (San Diego African Film Festival) Scroll down!

Friday, 11/16/07 Class

Afrikan World Masters

This week we'll see interviews and lectures from three of the most important scholars of the last century: Dr. Ivan Van Sertima, Dr. John Henrik Clarke, and Dr. Frances Cress Welsing, from my film, Afrikan World Masters. If ever there was a night of high-level lessons, from an Afrikan perspective, Friday night’s class is not one to miss. This kind of experience does not come around too often. Of course, DVDs of the night’s lessons will be available. You will also hear a radio review of the above film by Dr. Hilliard he gave in Los Angeles, his last radio appearance here.

Speaking of Dr. Hilliard, we will pick up where we left off several weeks ago, and see the conclusion of his essential lesson.

Baffour Amankwatia III (Dr. Asa Hilliard) transitioned to ancestorhood this summer in Kemet (Egypt). He was doing what he loved most-- educating Afrikan people from America. He was our greatest educational psychological researcher and a meticulous historian. Last year, at the Black Psychologist Association Conference in Ohio, while at home with his behavioral scientist colleagues, where he felt most comfortable, he delivered perhaps his greatest lecture.

Remember: No Class Thanksgiving Friday...because we'll be in San Diego for Afrikan Mental Liberation Films (Keep reading!)

Join us! Afrikan Mental Liberation Films (San Diego African Film Festival)Nov. 24 & 25 (Free!) at the World Beat Center

The 2nd Annual Afrikan Mental Liberation Film festival is being held Thanksgiving Weekend (Saturday and Sunday) in San Diego. The festival is free to the public from noon until 9 p.m., November 24 and 25 to:

World Beat Center

2100 Park Blvd.Balboa Park

San Diego, CA

For information and the film schedule visit or

Or click flyers at top to enlarge and download, or visit

Friday Night (23rd) There's a Coltrane Concert before hand. For tickets click:

Video: View an interview with World Beat Center founder Queen Makeda Dread Cheatham, an episode of My World Podcast. See the center and its people and images from last year's film festival.

Audio: Listen to Dr. Kwaku Discuss the Film Lineup on L.A. Speaks Out, KJLH FM (Previously recorded. Please turn your speakers on!)

Photos from last year's Festival

Wanna go but no wheels?
Check this site for cheap bus service:
(Suggested by a listener.) Hotels are plentiful if you plan to spend the night--try or call the local San Diegans for referrals.

Please forward this email to your friends and family in San Diego. Food will be available for purchase. Bring your seat cushions--you will stay longer than you thought you would!

Happy Thanksgiving! And happy 25th to our son Jaaye!

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Nov 9 Class: Entering the mind of Dr. John Henrik Clarke

Dr. John Henrik Clarke is the most influential Afrikan world historian of the last century. The knowledge that comes straight out of his head is enough to fill up volumes of books. He has mentored more young scholars than anyone else, and has encouraged the writing of dozens of books. He is known in the academic world as the Dean of Black Studies. This Friday, see what I consider the best historical documentary/lesson ever put on film about Dr. John Henrik Clarke.

Also, give the gift of knowledge this holiday season and peruse the DVDs and CDs available. Even if you are not attending the class, Isidra will be in her usual spot outside to fill your requests.
All others, please visit to order.

Also, join me this Saturday a.m. when I am a guest on L.A. Speaks Out on KJLH (102.3 FM). Besides Jacquie Stephens and me speaking about history, we will also discuss the upcoming Afrikan Mental Liberations Films Weekend in San Diego this Thanksgiving Saturday and Sunday at the World Beat Center. It's a free marathon of films all day both days. For the schedule of historic films, visit . If you can't take the drive down, let your friends and family in San Diego know. Did we mention it's free?

See you in class.
Thank you,

Dr. Kwaku Person-Lynn

Afrikan World Civilizations Class happens in the Fall and Spring, for 11 Fridays from 7-9 p.m. at Kaos Studios in Leimert Park, 4343 Leimert Blvd. (corner of Leimert and 43rd Place) in Los Angeles. Our email address is:

Individual Classes: $15

Web Address:

Phone: (213) 368-4976

Thursday, November 1, 2007

November 2 Class: Afrikan Female Slavers, the N Word and Fannie Lou Hamer

The trans-Atlantic slave trade was the most horrendous illegal transport exercise in world history. It was a system that devastated an entire continent, resulting in a massive underdevelopment continued during this present time. On Goree Island, off the coast of Senegal, and a major slave port, an interesting dynamic occurred. It is the only port that was controlled by women. We will look into this phenomenon.

The ‘N’ word is the pinnacle of derogatory words used against people of Afrikan descent. Over the years, the youth culture has transformed it into a term of endearment. We will investigate this horrific word from various angles.

We will also take a brief look into one of the most important and instrumental figures in the Civil Rights Movement, Fannie Lou Hamer (pictured), and of course engage in our lively discussions.

Afrikan World Civilizations Class happens in the Fall and Spring, for 11 Fridays from 7-9 p.m. at Kaos Studios in Leimert Park, 4343 Leimert Blvd. (corner of Leimert and 43rd Place) in Los Angeles. Our email address is:

Individual Classes: $15

Web Address:
Phone: (213) 368-4976