Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Is Rev. Wright wrong? Also, Dr. Clarke's home tour and Karim Abdul Jabbar-author and intellectual

Rev. Jeremiah Wright is currently the most controversial and vilified figure in America today. Is Rev. Wright correct about black theology? We need to discuss and analyze his actions to determine if he is speaking truth, and if this truth is seriously harming the campaign of Senator Barack Obama.

We will observe Rev. Wright in his most thoughtful candid moments.

We will also see, by request, the home tour of Dr. John Henrik
Clarke, the only video recording of his home and research collection ever recorded. I was able to record his workspace when I was in Harlem, NY interviewing him for the book "On My Journey Now."

We will conclude with a rare interview by the most current intellectual athlete, Kareem Abdul Jabbar. At left he is pictured with Dr. Ralph Bunche and his wife.

Afrikan World Civilizations Class happens in the Fall and Spring, for 11 Fridays from 7-9 p.m. at Kaos Studios in Leimert Park, 4343 Leimert Blvd. (corner of Leimert and 43rd Place) in Los Angeles. Our email address is:

Individual Classes: $15 per person

Web Address:

Dr. Kwaku's Blog:

Read Dr. Kwaku's column in "Our Weekly"

Friday, April 25, 2008

Afrikan World Culture Taught By Masters

Afrikan World Culture Taught By Masters

Learning any lesson by a good teacher is always rewarding. But experiencing teaching from master teacher/scholars is something really special. Dr. John Henrik Clarke, Dr. Asa Hilliard, Dr. Ivan Van Sertima, Dr. Wade Nobles, Dr. Na'im Akbar, Dr. Charles Copher, and others give us one of the stellar presentations on Afrikan world culture and how it affects us today, along with an analysis of many of our cultural traits. This is one of those educational events that does not come along to often, and something you do not want to miss. We will start at 7:00pm sharp.

NOTICE: Afrikan World Civilizations Class is being extended for 5 weeks! You may pay $50 for the session which starts on May 9-June 6. or pay $15 per class for all others. Class is held from 7-9 p.m. at Kaos Studios in Leimert Park, 4343 Leimert Blvd. (corner of Leimert and 43rd Place) in Los Angeles. Our email address is:

Thursday, April 17, 2008

We Are "Going" To Afrika Friday Night with Spelman and Sen. Obama!

No time to read it? Hear Dr. Kwaku Tell You About This Week's Class:
Click Here to Hear

First, we will go to Senegal with students from Spelman College and witness a close-up look at this very unique culture. You will witness the emotion of visiting Goree Island, one of the main slave ports in West Afrika, and what young women of Afrikan descent did while visiting Afrika for the first time. We will then take a very intimate excursion of El Mina, the slave castle in Ghana and hear the history of its horror.

We will then join Senator Barack Obama on a very personal journey through the homeland of his father, Kenya, as well as accompany him through South Afrika and Chad. He will not just pass through communities, but mingle and communicate with the throngs that followed him. See the Senator talk about being in the place where humanity began. Come with us on this very special adventure and see the continent like never before.

How can you teach your children their history if you don’t know it yourself? Dr. Kwaku's Black History 4 Young People is in the planning stages (usually 6 weeks in June and July). Stay tuned for details. Afrikan World Civilizations Class continues Fridays from 7-9 p.m. in Leimert Park at Kaos Studios, located at 4343 Leimert Boulevard in Los Angeles. For registration information, visit Dr. Kwaku's website at: or call (213) 368-4976.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

The Belizean-Nigerian Connection. Also, Blacks in Japan

This week we will look at the history of Belize, focusing primarily on the Garifuna culture. These are a people whose origins evolved from Nigerians who escaped slavery and mixed with the Caribs, and developed a very unique culture.

We will also take an inside look of what it is like to be a person of Afrikan descent living in Japan. This is the first time this mixing of two distinct cultures will be explored, with surprising results.

Afrikan World Civilizations Class happens in the Fall and Spring, for 11 Fridays from 7-9 p.m. at Kaos Studios in Leimert Park, 4343 Leimert Blvd. (corner of Leimert and 43rd Place) in Los Angeles. Our email address is:

Individual Classes: $15 per person

Web Address:

Dr. Kwaku's Blog:

Read Dr. Kwaku's column in "Our Weekly"

Thursday, April 3, 2008

The Origin Of AIDS

In class last year, it was promised that we would deal with the origin of the deadly disease known to humanity as AIDS. The most credible work done to date in finding its origin took years of meticulous research. Its location was specifically traced to Afrika, created by European physicians and scientists. These same individuals have legally prevented the results of this work to be shown in Europe, but we will seriously investigate it in class.

We will end at 9:00 pm sharp because of prior commitments after class.

Afrikan World Civilizations Class happens in the Fall and Spring, for 11 Fridays from 7-9 p.m. at Kaos Studios in Leimert Park, 4343 Leimert Blvd. (corner of Leimert and 43rd Place) in Los Angeles. Our email address is:
Individual Classes: $15
Web Address:
Dr. Kwaku's Blog:
Read Dr. Kwaku's column in "Our Weekly"