Saturday, September 6, 2008

Class Starts Sept. 19. 2008

"Your class has changed my life!"

I hear that from so many of my students that the power of learning about their history and culture actually changes their lives. We have students who change their attitude toward family members, those who expand their travel abroad to seek out things we discuss in Afrikan World Civilizations, young people who see the "unity" in the community with different eyes, and seniors who in the sunset of their lives learn that important information which has been kept from them.

Many believe this is a new day, and in this new day with its new energy, we have got to do our homework so we can strengthen our identity and our direction.

If you want to harness the same energy, enroll in the next Afrikan World Civilizations Class. You may come take a look with no obligation on Sept. 19, 2008 at KAOS Network on Leimert Blvd and 43rd Place in Leimert Park (Major Cross Streets are Vernon and Crenshaw.)

Visit the website to download the registration form at, or register during class. Course fee is $100 (only 10 per class) or $15 per class.

Your Friday nights will be alive again!

It's time.
Dr. Kwaku Person-Lynn

Thursday, July 17, 2008

This week's class: Afrika Today: The Afrika You Don't See

We were happy to offer this beautiful gift basket from Organic Root Stimulator and posted a question for thousands of recipients of last week's email. The question was hard and we received many incorrect answers, but only one submitted the correct one:
Her name is Lynda Richard and she was a former student of Dr. Kwaku's Afrikan World Civilizations Class.

The question: What is the name of the pioneering professor who proved through research with mitochondrial DNA that the entire human race evolved from one Afrikan woman?

Answer: Rebecca Cahn

Each week there is a quiz from their book 365 Days of the African American Experience, donated by author Deloris Holt. This week's winner is DeVoux Grant who bested another student in a tie breaker. He is pictured as above with Jaaye Person-Lynn who taught the class on the History of Hip Hop.
DeVoux won a gift certificate for a free meal at Simply Wholesome.
For more about BH4YP, read Dr.Kwaku's Blog

This Week: Afrika Today with Isidra Person-Lynn

Last week, Jaaye Person-Lynn did an excellent job of pinch hitting for Dr. Kwaku, lecturing on the history of Hip Hop. If we are to speak to (and be heard by) this generation we are going to have to hear them and if they are to hear us they have to know we are listening. A few well worn words that we tolerate in entertainment movies and songs surely can be tolerated to talk about the history of this art form which has catapulted African Americans with no chance of making it to be box office draws, own basketball teams and own movie studios that have the genre of films we have long awaited like Stomp the Yard, Etc.
Saturday, July 26 is our last class and the parents and sponsors are invited to join us.
During that class, parents will have a chance to win the 2nd basket from Organic Root Stimulator. We will take the class picture then as well. The students and sponsors will be presented with a beautifully designed certificate.

Next Class (July 19): Isidra Person-Lynn teaches the class about Afrika Today. If you still think that when you go to Africa you will see a cheetah before you see a store you’ve been bamboozled. While some students have already been there, many more do not know of the sheer beauty, wonder, artistry , technology and yes, frustration that exists on today’s Afrikan continent.
She will show there is not much difference between Urban Afrikan teens from the Continent and those here in the class; demonstrate the custom of backwrapping babies, discuss rites of passage, Afrikan textiles, cooking , rites of passage and African businesses.)
At the time of this writing, this moment our son So Lynn is in Nigeria at a concert featuring Chris Brown and other popular acts. Sponsored by an Afrikan daily newspaper, the first concert featured Beyonce, Jay Z and Snoop. Like America, Africa is not all urban but it's not all rural. It’s different, but its us.
Dr. Kwaku is Back! The First hour of class he will focus on the following:
Looking at the Transatlantic Slave Trade

The trans-Atlantic slave trade was the most horrendous and longest human transport system ever conceived in world history. The class will be exposed to the intricacies of that vicious institution, see how it worked and visually visit the two largest slave castles in West Afrika: El Mina in Ghana; and Goree Island off the coast of Senegal.
The class will also get a sample of how certain cultural styles in hip hop are the same or similar to cultural styles among the Nubians in the Nile Valley.
Hope to see you in class:
Message to the Parents:

Dragging the Kids to a Black History Class
So, who is the boss in your house hold? Maybe it is time to take a stand.
Dear Parent is this your Saturday morning? You get up picking up after kids who are furiously wiping out some life form on the video game you worked hard to give them…You don’t want to fuss and they are on vacation. You want to take them to Dr. Kwaku’s class but they are shy, would pitch a fit, hang back and you don’t feel like the bother.
Correct me if I am wrong but this is NOT the way you grew up. You grew up with a list iof chores to do before you could play or watch TV or go outside (go-outside???What a concept!)

You picked up a lot of Black history because at Sunday Dinner that's what the entire family discussed. (Continue reading...)
Build Your Library for Half Price:
Dr. Kwaku is having a half price sale on selected titles of his DVD collection.
Each DVD will be sold for only $10 for a limited time
You may pick them up at class, or order them by mail. This offer is not valid for Paypal offers,
1. Afrikan World Civilizations – produced by Kwaku Person-Lynn - $10
A graphic lecture covering the history and culture of Black people all over the world.
2. Afrikan World Masters – produced by Kwaku Person-Lynn - $10
Interviews and lectures by: John Henrik Clarke, Ivan Van Sertima, Frances Cress Welsing and Fela Anikulapo Kuti
3. Autobiography of Malcolm X - $10 A feature documentary with the real Malcolm X produced by his wife Betty Shabazz
4. Cheikh Anta Diop – Afrikan Origin of Civilization - $10 His only interview in the United States
5. The Moors – Lecture by Ivan Van Sertima - $10 A history of the Moors and their accomplishments in Europe
6. Garifuna – History of the Afrikans in Belize - $10 A documentary on the history and culture of Black people in Belize
7. Afrikan Presence In Ancient Asia – Runoko Rashidi - $10 A graphic lecture on Afrikan influence in Asia
8. Blacks In The Bible Charles B. Copher - $10
The Afrikan ancestry from Adam to Jesus
9. A Great And Mighty Walk John Henrik Clarke - $10
The greatest Afrikan historical documentary ever made
10. Civilization Before Greece and Rome Ivan Van Sertima - $10 An essential lecture on the accomplishment of Afrikans before Europe
Your young people are learning, so you must stay a step ahead! Driving while listening to educational CD's makes you oblivious to traffic! Stock up now! Order Here

Now Posted--The Adult Class Starts September 19
We will post the Class Schedule and Registration Forms
by then!
1)Lynda Richard won the basket from Organic Root Stimulator; 2) De Voux Grant won this week's 365 Days of the African American Experience Quiz, 3) Hannah Kirkpatrick browses through Eso Won Books during a tour in Leimert Park.

Friday, July 4, 2008

No Class this Week but we Want You to Win and Save!

The email you receive this week will tell you how to win a very special gift basket from Organic Root Stimulator and a half price discount on the best historical DVD's in my collection. Either way you come out ahead! Click here to check out the sale!

Congratulations to Janae Duncan, who won this week's Black History 4 Young People Quiz. She is an 18 year old student at USC. In fact it was her grandmother Rochelle Lucas (who met Isidra--my wife--at USC some 30 years ago and later worked with her at KJLH) that provided the gift baskets.

If you do not win this week, stay tuned! You will have another chance. These baskets are brimming with the line of natural products by Organic Root Stimulator.
Details will be in the email or posted online at .

Last week's class was full of energy. After studying about the origins of the Civil Rights Movement, we spent the last few moments walking across the street to witness an historic rally for a presidential candidate of Afrikan descent --Senator Barack Obama. The students received a talk about the importance of voting from Councilmember Bernard Parks and bit of rest by the historic Leimert Park Fountain.

We hope your holiday was fun and restful, but as I type this, the sounds of war (firecrackers and cherry bombs) have consumed my block, so enjoy the change of pace!

Not on our email list? Please make sure you sign up at

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

It Was Our Youth that Sparked the Civil Rights Movement

Before we get into this week's class description (June 28,2008), some thanks and congratulations are in order: Thanks to sponsor Simply Wholesome, a natural foods restaurant on Slauson and Overhill (Los Angeles), for providing the weekly prize for each student that wins the Black History Quiz from studying Heritage: 365 Days of the African American Experience. Last week the month of focus was June. Before this Saturday make sure your young people read the history facts in July so they can win a free meal at Simply Wholesome.

Congratulations to our first winner, 13 year-old Cody Lewis, pictured with Dr. Kwaku. He is the grandson of Anne Smith, a long time student of Dr. Kwaku and a professional locktitian.

By the parent is offering her son a small financial reward for notes he takes and questions he can answer after each class. You should see his notes! Amazing what some parents can get out of their young ones!

Something new!!
AUDIO--With BH4YP Photo Slide Show - Click below - Dr. Kwaku Tells You About This Week's Class Or you can read it here:

It Was Our Youth that Sparked the Civili Rights Movement
"The Civil Rights Movement was one of the major turning points in American history. People of Afrikan descent decided to stand up against a racially segregated society that presented enormous barriers against basic human and civil rights. Initially, there were key events that sparked a movement that lasted for a decade, and launched the careers of various figures, notably Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

One of the key areas generally unexplored was the role of Emmett Till's murder. One hundred days after his murder, Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat on public transportation, a violation of municipal segregationist law. Her act started a protest in Montgomery, Alabama that ignited various marches, sit-ins, and other events against racial injustice in America. It was also the incident that launched the career of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. We will take a very intimate look at this period and discuss its implications for today.

Also, due to the July 4th holiday weekend next week,
there will be no class next Saturday. We will resume the following Saturday, July 12. On that day we will also have a 50% discount on significant historical and cultural DVDs coming up. Come in a browse around while you are waiting to pick them up!

Quick Notes:
Our sponsoring restaurant, Simply Wholesome, is located at 4508 W Slauson Ave.,Los Angeles, CA 90043-2720. Phone: (323) 294-2144. There is a health food and produce store on the premises! What a great place for after class lunch!

Class details:

Dr. Kwaku Person-Lynn
Black History 4 Young People

We have five weeks left of this special summer series for young people, held this year 10 a.m. to Noon at Kaos Studios in Leimert Park, 4343 Leimert Blvd. (corner of Leimert and 43rd Place) in Los Angeles. The registration fee is $60; Individual Classes: $15 per person, unless your son or daughter is a former student, then it is $10 per class. And of course, by student, we mean those who have registered and taken a full session in the past.

We thank our sponsors of BH4YP. For a complete list, click here. Thanks to them, we do have a few scholarships available. Contact

Web Address:
Dr. Kwaku's Blog:
Read Dr. Kwaku's column in "Our Weekly"

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

BH4YP: Are Our Children Being Taught False American History?

For the summer, Dr. Kwaku's blog will focus on the Black History 4 Young People summer series, held this year at Kaos Studios. Please wake up that son or daughter and bring them to class on Saturday mornings! There will be no written assignments, or books to buy, but they can participate in a weekly quiz based on Heritage, a history book donated to each student by author Deloris Holt. It's theirs to keep. Thanks, Ms. Holt!

For students ages 12-18, don't you think it's about time they learned their history? Here's what's being discussed in this week's class:

School districts are still teaching that Columbus discovered America. We now know that Afrikans were sailing back and forth to the Americas about 1,000 years before Columbus. They constructed pyramids, enormous heads, statues, religious implements, linguistic habits, royal ornaments and other items of evidence. There is also plant and fruit evidence. These are things sadly left out of American history from middle school to the university.

This Saturday, we will cover these areas of concern in detail, as well as present the visual evidence. This is a must class for any student who has to take American history at their perspective schools.

We will also cover the Afrikan descendant's of the first human beings and observe their genius engineering, construction, medical and other traits that belie the title of being labeled primitive.

Don't let your child miss this golden opportunity taught nowhere else. For details and registration form, go to: See you there.

Dr. Kwaku Person-Lynn
Black History 4 Young People

We have five weeks left of this special summer series for young people, held this year 10 a.m. to Noon at Kaos Studios in Leimert Park, 4343 Leimert Blvd. (corner of Leimert and 43rd Place) in Los Angeles. The registration fee is $60; Individual Classes: $15 per person, unless your son or daughter is a former student, then it is $10 per class. And of course, by student, we mean those who have registered and taken a full session in the past.

We thank our sponsors of BH4YP. For a complete list, click here. Thanks to them, we do have a few scholarships available. Contact

Web Address:
Dr. Kwaku's Blog:
Read Dr. Kwaku's column in "Our Weekly"

Monday, May 26, 2008

Black Survivors In Nazi Germany

One of the most neglected stories in world history is the death, torture and sterilization of Afrikan people in Nazi Germany. Wherever the horrors of that period are mentioned, movies made about it or documentaries produced, the suffering or even presence of Afrikan people are never mentioned.

Ironically, the Nazi's preparation for the mass human destruction they exerted in Europe started in Afrika. Medical experimentations were conducted in preparation for their European campaign. We will bring this terrible chapter of history to the forefront, with the only film ever made on this subject. Come and see this neglected history for yourself.

This is the second to last class! We will resume in the fall. This summer, though, we kick off Black History 4 Young People, for the first time, held here where we teach Afrikan World Civilizations. Sign your child up today!

For this class, though, come on out this Friday evening from 7-9 p.m. at Kaos Studios in Leimert Park, 4343 Leimert Blvd. (corner of Leimert and 43rd Place) in Los Angeles. Our email address is: Individual Classes: $15 per person, unless you are a former student, then it is $10 per class. And of course, by student, we mean those who have registered and taken a full session in the past.

Web Address:
Dr. Kwaku's Blog:
Read Dr. Kwaku's column in "Our Weekly"

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Studying El Hajj Malik El Shabazz (Malcolm X)

Minister Malcolm X was the most dynamic leader of the 1960s. His birthday was May 19th. He would have been 83years old. His teachings, along with his autobiography, influenced a whole generation. He made Black people aware that they were Afrikans and developed the philosophy of Black Nationalism. After leaving the Nation of Islam, he organized the Organization of Afro American Unity (OAAU), and the Muslim Mosque Inc. Some of the effects of his teachings inspired people of Afrikan descent to wear naturals, use Afrikan names, develop organizations, travel to Afrika, inspired several scholars, and more.

The film, "The Autobiography of Malcom X," is the most authentic film ever made on Malcolm. It is not the Spike Lee film. His wife, Dr. Betty Shabazz, authorized the film, which was produced by Warner Brothers in 1978. It features the real Malcolm and his teachings. This film is no longer available, not even from Warner Brothers. It is a tribute to his legacy. Don't miss it!

Only three more Afrikan World Civilizations
Classes left until fall! Come on out this Friday evening from 7-9 p.m. at Kaos Studios in Leimert Park, 4343 Leimert Blvd. (corner of Leimert and 43rd Place) in Los Angeles. Our email address is: Individual Classes: $15 per person, unless you are a former student, then it is $10 each. And of course, by student, we mean those who have registered and taken a full session in the past.

Web Address:
Dr. Kwaku's Blog:
Read Dr. Kwaku's column in "Our Weekly"

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Dr. Kwaku's Class: Propaganda: The Art of Deception

During the period of the slave trade, America used every media source and pulpit available, including the church, to justify the institution of slavery. Harvard and Yale supplied the scholarly support. South Afrika did the same in justifying its apartheid policy and the separation of indigenous Afrikans, and the Europeans who invaded and settled there.

The Nazis instituted the most sophisticated program of deception during WW II. They mastered the art of propaganda to cover up its atrocities and to convince the world of its ˜master race" eradication program.

President Ronald Reagan used it to invade Grenada, as president George Bush did to invade Iraq. Today, the most deceptive propaganda program involves a very effective propaganda machinery to cover terrorist campaigns against the Palestinians in the name of self defense. We will take an intimate look into this process and how it is orchestrated through the corporate media and government agencies.

Afrikan World Civilizations announces its summer session BLACK HISTORY 4 YOUNG PEOPLE, designed for Afrikan American youth to learn their history. Black History 4 Young People--six Saturdays from June 14-July 26, 10 a.m. - 12. a.m. Register today for only $60. See Details at

Adult Class happens in the Fall and Spring, for 11 Fridays from 7-9
p.m. at Kaos Studios in Leimert Park, 4343 Leimert Blvd. (corner of Leimert and 43rd Place) in Los Angeles. Our email address is:
Individual Classes: $15
Web Address:
Dr. Kwaku's Blog:
Read Dr. Kwaku's weekly column in "Our Weekly"

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

The First Americans, Afrikans In Ancient China, and Australian Afrikans

Dr. Kwaku to teach 5 class mini-series beginning May 9. See Info below!

Dr. Ivan Van Sertima and Attorney Legrand Clegg II were the first to educate us about Afrikans from the Nile Valley inhabiting the Americas almost 1000 years before Columbus' voyages. For years, there has been speculation that Afrikans may have been the first to inhabit the Americas, not the Asians who crossed the Iberian Peninsula, and ultimately became known as Native Americans. This is one of the subjects we will explore this Friday.

We will also look at one of the hidden stories in ancient history, the Afrikan involvement in the establishment of ancient China. There is very strong evidence that the first empires of China, supported by DNA evidence, were of Afrikan descent.

Lastly, we will look at the Afrikans in Australia through the experience of David Gupilil, the leading Australian Afrikan actor who lives interestingly in his traditional culture, as well as western civilization. He has starred in such films as, 'Rabbit Proof Fence', and 'The Tracker'.

Afrikan World Civilizations Class happens in the Fall and Spring, for 11 Fridays from 7-9 p.m. at Kaos Studios in Leimert Park, 4343 Leimert Blvd. (corner of Leimert and 43rd Place) in Los Angeles. Our email address is:

Pay for the five class mini-series : $50 for big savings! Come early this Friday to register!

Compare: Individual Classes: $15 per person.

Web Address:

Dr. Kwaku's Blog:

Read Dr. Kwaku's column in "Our Weekly"

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Is Rev. Wright wrong? Also, Dr. Clarke's home tour and Karim Abdul Jabbar-author and intellectual

Rev. Jeremiah Wright is currently the most controversial and vilified figure in America today. Is Rev. Wright correct about black theology? We need to discuss and analyze his actions to determine if he is speaking truth, and if this truth is seriously harming the campaign of Senator Barack Obama.

We will observe Rev. Wright in his most thoughtful candid moments.

We will also see, by request, the home tour of Dr. John Henrik
Clarke, the only video recording of his home and research collection ever recorded. I was able to record his workspace when I was in Harlem, NY interviewing him for the book "On My Journey Now."

We will conclude with a rare interview by the most current intellectual athlete, Kareem Abdul Jabbar. At left he is pictured with Dr. Ralph Bunche and his wife.

Afrikan World Civilizations Class happens in the Fall and Spring, for 11 Fridays from 7-9 p.m. at Kaos Studios in Leimert Park, 4343 Leimert Blvd. (corner of Leimert and 43rd Place) in Los Angeles. Our email address is:

Individual Classes: $15 per person

Web Address:

Dr. Kwaku's Blog:

Read Dr. Kwaku's column in "Our Weekly"

Friday, April 25, 2008

Afrikan World Culture Taught By Masters

Afrikan World Culture Taught By Masters

Learning any lesson by a good teacher is always rewarding. But experiencing teaching from master teacher/scholars is something really special. Dr. John Henrik Clarke, Dr. Asa Hilliard, Dr. Ivan Van Sertima, Dr. Wade Nobles, Dr. Na'im Akbar, Dr. Charles Copher, and others give us one of the stellar presentations on Afrikan world culture and how it affects us today, along with an analysis of many of our cultural traits. This is one of those educational events that does not come along to often, and something you do not want to miss. We will start at 7:00pm sharp.

NOTICE: Afrikan World Civilizations Class is being extended for 5 weeks! You may pay $50 for the session which starts on May 9-June 6. or pay $15 per class for all others. Class is held from 7-9 p.m. at Kaos Studios in Leimert Park, 4343 Leimert Blvd. (corner of Leimert and 43rd Place) in Los Angeles. Our email address is:

Thursday, April 17, 2008

We Are "Going" To Afrika Friday Night with Spelman and Sen. Obama!

No time to read it? Hear Dr. Kwaku Tell You About This Week's Class:
Click Here to Hear

First, we will go to Senegal with students from Spelman College and witness a close-up look at this very unique culture. You will witness the emotion of visiting Goree Island, one of the main slave ports in West Afrika, and what young women of Afrikan descent did while visiting Afrika for the first time. We will then take a very intimate excursion of El Mina, the slave castle in Ghana and hear the history of its horror.

We will then join Senator Barack Obama on a very personal journey through the homeland of his father, Kenya, as well as accompany him through South Afrika and Chad. He will not just pass through communities, but mingle and communicate with the throngs that followed him. See the Senator talk about being in the place where humanity began. Come with us on this very special adventure and see the continent like never before.

How can you teach your children their history if you don’t know it yourself? Dr. Kwaku's Black History 4 Young People is in the planning stages (usually 6 weeks in June and July). Stay tuned for details. Afrikan World Civilizations Class continues Fridays from 7-9 p.m. in Leimert Park at Kaos Studios, located at 4343 Leimert Boulevard in Los Angeles. For registration information, visit Dr. Kwaku's website at: or call (213) 368-4976.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

The Belizean-Nigerian Connection. Also, Blacks in Japan

This week we will look at the history of Belize, focusing primarily on the Garifuna culture. These are a people whose origins evolved from Nigerians who escaped slavery and mixed with the Caribs, and developed a very unique culture.

We will also take an inside look of what it is like to be a person of Afrikan descent living in Japan. This is the first time this mixing of two distinct cultures will be explored, with surprising results.

Afrikan World Civilizations Class happens in the Fall and Spring, for 11 Fridays from 7-9 p.m. at Kaos Studios in Leimert Park, 4343 Leimert Blvd. (corner of Leimert and 43rd Place) in Los Angeles. Our email address is:

Individual Classes: $15 per person

Web Address:

Dr. Kwaku's Blog:

Read Dr. Kwaku's column in "Our Weekly"

Thursday, April 3, 2008

The Origin Of AIDS

In class last year, it was promised that we would deal with the origin of the deadly disease known to humanity as AIDS. The most credible work done to date in finding its origin took years of meticulous research. Its location was specifically traced to Afrika, created by European physicians and scientists. These same individuals have legally prevented the results of this work to be shown in Europe, but we will seriously investigate it in class.

We will end at 9:00 pm sharp because of prior commitments after class.

Afrikan World Civilizations Class happens in the Fall and Spring, for 11 Fridays from 7-9 p.m. at Kaos Studios in Leimert Park, 4343 Leimert Blvd. (corner of Leimert and 43rd Place) in Los Angeles. Our email address is:
Individual Classes: $15
Web Address:
Dr. Kwaku's Blog:
Read Dr. Kwaku's column in "Our Weekly"

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Terrorism Against Black People

Since being brought to America, people of Afrikan descent have undergone the worst brutality in the history of the nation. This occurred during and after slavery. The greatest intensity happened when Afrikans attempted to secure freedom from slavery, which escalated when exercising their right to register and vote, live in certain areas or seek employment in competing white markets. The organization that initiated the worst terror attacks was the Ku Klux Klan (KKK). We will take an intimate look at its secret history.

Class starts promptly at 7 p.m. in Leimert Park at Kaos Studios, located at 4343 Leimert Boulevard in Los Angeles. Register for the entire course for: $100. To pay per class it is $15 each. To pay by credit card visit Dr. Kwaku's website at: or simply print the registration form and bring it with payment to class. Questions? Call (213) 368-4976.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Friday, March 21: Lessons from Haiti and Kenya

This week, join us as we learn about Haiti, the first Black republic in the western world, and the first independent nation in Latin America. It shocked the world when enslaved Afrikans defeated the mighty French army, and had the audacity to declare its own independence. France and America never forgave Haiti for that and devised a plan to make it the poorest nation in the West. When the Haitians democratically elected a president, who was not always favorable to America, the United States engineered a coup which sent the Haitian president into exile. We will explore the hidden reasons why this occurred.

The other topic we will address is the Masai women of Kenya, East Afrika represent one of the oldest and distinct populations in traditional Afrikan civilizations. They show the ancient traditions Black women today evolved from. We will take a very intimate look at their life style and what is applicable for today.

These video presentations are dynamic and the class interaction is enlightening. Don't miss it!

Afrikan World Civilizations Class happens each Friday from 7-9 p.m. at Kaos Studios in Leimert Park, 4343 Leimert Blvd. (corner of Leimert and 43rd Place) in Los Angeles. Not yet enrolled? Pay only $15 per class. Our email address is:

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

The Black Man: An In-Depth Study

The Black man has been the most misunderstood and brutalized male species on the planet. This week we will examine him from various perspectives. Our exploration into the mind of the Black man will be a little different than normally investigated. You will be surprised in what we come up with. In addition, we will have a very rare and special musical presentation for those who like to come early. There will also be some new CDs available. Remember, we start at 7:00pm sharp.

Ben Caldwell's Kaos Studios are located at 4343 Leimert Boulevard, on the corner of Leimert Blvd. and 43rd Place, in Los Angeles. For detailed registration information, visit Dr. Kwaku's website at: or call (213) 368-4976. Check out one class for $15 per session or the 11 week series at $100.00.

Something new:
Isidra launched her Internet radio show "Our World Podcast" by interviewing me about the recent ASCAC Conference I attended. You can listen to the show by clicking here.

Pictured above: Patsy Jo Hilliard, wife of the late Dr. Asa Hilliard and Atty. LeGrand Clegg at the recent ASCAC Conference. This photo and more by Dr. Kwaku are discussed in the audio podcast link above. Listen while you are browsing your email!

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Revisiting the Nile Valley

The Nile Valley is the most fascinating and inventive ancient civilization the world has ever experienced. Not only did human life begin there, but the foundation for human development, which we depend on today, evolved from the ingenious creativity of the Afrikans who occupied that area. We will take a unique and intimate look at the most debated ancient civilization on the planet.

We will be graced with the knowledge of such scholars as: Yosef ben-Jochannan, John Henrik Clarke, Asa Hilliard, Na'im Akbar, Leonard Jeffries, Basil Davidson, and more. For those who like to come early, you can relax to some of the best Black music, personally selected by Dr. Kwaku.

Class starts promptly at 7 p.m. in Leimert Park at Kaos Studios, located at 4343 Leimert Boulevard in Los Angeles. Register for the entire course for: $100. To pay per class it is $15 each. To pay by credit card visit Dr. Kwaku's website at: or simply print the registration form and bring it with payment to class. Questions? Call (213) 368-4976.