Minister Malcolm X was the most dynamic leader of the 1960s. His birthday was May 19th. He would have been 83years old. His teachings, along with his autobiography, influenced a whole generation. He made Black people aware that they were Afrikans and developed the philosophy of Black Nationalism. After leaving the Nation of Islam, he organized the Organization of Afro American Unity (OAAU), and the Muslim Mosque Inc. Some of the effects of his teachings inspired people of Afrikan descent to wear naturals, use Afrikan names, develop organizations, travel to Afrika, inspired several scholars, and more.
The film, "The Autobiography of Malcom X," is the most authentic film ever made on Malcolm. It is not the Spike Lee film. His wife, Dr. Betty Shabazz, authorized the film, which was produced by Warner Brothers in 1978. It features the real Malcolm and his teachings. This film is no longer available, not even from Warner Brothers. It is a tribute to his legacy. Don't miss it!
Only three more Afrikan World Civilizations Classes left until fall! Come on out this Friday evening from 7-9 p.m. at Kaos Studios in Leimert Park, 4343 Leimert Blvd. (corner of Leimert and 43rd Place) in Los Angeles. Our email address is: DrKwaku@hotmail.com. Individual Classes: $15 per person, unless you are a former student, then it is $10 each. And of course, by student, we mean those who have registered and taken a full session in the past.
Web Address: www.DrKwaku.com
Dr. Kwaku's Blog: www.drkwaku.blogspot.com
Read Dr. Kwaku's column in "Our Weekly"
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